Freak Show Inc

Copyright 2006 Freak Show Inc. All Rights Reserved Arts and Crafts Time!

Thursday, June 01, 2006



Standing on the edge of destruction
Waiting my turn to leap
People gathering around me
To stare and laugh at the freak
No, you've got it all wrong
I am just like you I want to watch for free
Lets judge someone else
Anything to get attention off of me
I know you all are perfect
And that's what I'll never be
But I will pretend and still join in
Now I'm the one that laughs at me.

There it is folks. Dez wrote it. I really like it .. I like every thing she writes It cuts me shrek it cuts me real deep!!! If you like poetry try stopping by my profile you might find a site you fancy. I keep trying to get her to post with me but her schedule seem to be to busy with bebo-ing and all. I'.m gonna bail for now later peeps!!!

Bebo Happens

Hello again to those who have been here before. And a great big WELCOME to all those who have come from International ___ Day. Take a quick look around and leave a comment if you wish. If you haven't seen this site before I hope you like it and continue to return. A big shout out to Int. Day. This is a site devoted to making everyday a holiday. How blogging cool is that? Go take a look ... . Enough about you Casanova lets talk about masterfully crafted art that is to be feature today. One is a scene from the fantastic movie "Party Monster" by Artim. One is my favorite pet by Goddess. Another is the man made for me again by Artim. One by Dez which is her favorite saying from the hit sitcom "Will & Grace" , "Just Jack". Believe me when I say favorite I hear it every time they watch this show, Multiple times. Never gets old. And last but not lest is one Dez drew to go with a poem she wrote called
"EVERYONE'S LAUGHING ". Maybe she'll post it for you but who knows if not I'll see if she'll let me. Okay I've said for to much today so I'm out ~Goddess